/pub/antivirus/winnt/netshld/decalpha July 23, 1997 Filename: Description: ============================================================= nnt302e1.zip 1,258,855 NetShield v3.02 WinNT 1of4 DEC Alpha version nnt302e2.zip 1,431,496 NetShield v3.02 WinNT 2of4 DEC Alpha version nnt302e3.zip 1,432,603 NetShield v3.02 WinNT 3of4 DEC Alpha version nnt302e4.zip 602,584 NetShield v3.02 WinNT 4of4 DEC Alpha version nnti302e.zip 4,720,136 NetShield/NT v3.02 WinNT (one-file) DEC Alpha version whatsnew.txt 33,213 Documentation of Product Enhancements DEC Alpha version Installing this software constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of the license agreement. Please read the license agreement before installation. Other rules and regulations of installing this software are: a. The product can not be rented,loaned or leased - You are the sole owner of the product. b. The customer shall not disclose the results of any benchmark test to any third party without McAfee's prior written approval. c. The customer will not publish reviews of the product without prior consent from McAfee.